Blue Earth County Sheriff pulls SRO’s

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Blue Earth County Sheriff pulls SRO’s

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Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office

On August 17, I suspended the Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office School Resource Officer program in the St. Clair and Lake Crystal Schools after learning about the new law restricting officers and deputies from following their training and doing their job. How is it that a group of people with zero law enforcement training and experience who have never been in a physical altercation are allowed to dictate how a trained law enforcement officer protects our schools from violence? The new law prohibits prone and compressive restraint on students. If something is prohibited, then it can't be reasonable. Therefore, the argument by the Attorney General and Governor that SRO’s are still able to use reasonable force in death or bodily harm situations isn't true. SRO's are at risk of losing their job, their POST license, and being sued civilly, just for doing their job as they were trained. Placing someone in a prone position to gain control and handeuff them is not excessive force, and rarely causes injury. The use of any physical force is a last resort for officers, but in some cases, it is necessary to prevent death, injury or property damage. The idea that SRO's are in schools restricting students breathing simply isn't true. The anti-law enforcement elected majority in the seven-county metro created a law addressing an issue that does not exist. Elected school board members, teachers and parents across the state want their SRO’s back In school.

Sheri Jeff Wersal
Blue Earth County Sheriff's Office
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