Why you shouldn’t go to college in Minnesota

Bullshit in Minnesota
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Why you shouldn’t go to college in Minnesota

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Just some of the transcript:

today we are talking about how state law
and the Minnesota state colleges and
universities system forces students to
pay fees tacked onto their college
credits to bankroll a far-left
organization that claims to speak on
behalf of all students across the state
of Minnesota the Minnesota State Board of
Trustees requires each student attending
a State University to be a member and
pay dues to students United an
association created for the purpose of
engaging in political speech which
advocates for and takes positions on
controversial policies and legislation
and which claims to speak on all
students behalf for example students
United supports the states bi anal
budget request and publishes a website
FC student debt which advocates
for the abolition of student loan debt
students United also supported the
passage into law of two years of tuition
free college for Minnesota students and
according to its August 2022 board
meeting minutes which began with a
so-called land acknowledgement that
Minnesota state colleges and
universities are purportedly situated…..
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