QR Codes scam!

These are scams happening to people.
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QR Codes scam!

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This may not be a scam, but it is worth sharing. There are a lot of QR Codes on adverts asking you to scan them, be careful. Entering bank information to redeem a coupon seems a bridge too far. *The reporting party was at Walmart and observed a coupon that was a buy one, get one for a latte. She stated she scanned the code and was prompted to enter her phone number. When she did, they sent her a text requesting her Venmo or PayPal and she was suspicious of this. She reported this to the manager. When I got the QR code coupon from the caller, I looked at it and it is powered by a company named "Aisle" and says after the purchase of 2 of their products, send a picture of the receipt and they will send the cost of one can back via Venmo or PayPal. Documentation only at this time due to after looking at the sight, it appears legitimate.
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